Saturday, July 26, 2008, 12:55:00 AM

whoa!!!! it's over it's over!!!
really blessed to receive so many things today.

been a long week. even as im typing, my eyes are drooping.

next mon: mediacorp health screening, fs debrief, chomp chomp!!!

haha. the guys saw qi yuwu, nat ho, pierre png, blah blah blah at e health screening.
wah!!! all e cute guys went le. i certainly hope there are some gg when i go down to mediacorp next week.

and so. wed n fri are not taken up next week. time to plan visitations!!!
so many things gg on in my life. sometimes i just need some time alone.
with some changes and adjustments taking effect from today, i know n know n know
that i need to depend on God more so than ever.

friendships tt i've built e past few months, e laughter n e tears... oh boy.

many times i pondered over why im placed in where i am now.
despite making it clear where i wanted to go, it didnt make any sense when i didnt get what i had expected.
e ppl, e environment, e situation... none of these made me feel comfortable.
if this had taken place a year ago, i would probably have broken down.

everything will work for good for those who love e LORD.
easier said than done. but. i am an overcomer. more than a conqueror.

abba father, u gave the word.
u made a promise.
if u will not move, then i am nothing.
but when u do, ur name will be exalted.
remind me again & again when all else fails.
ur kingdom is not built on human strength nor human knowledge.
abba, draw me closer into your presence.

Friday, July 25, 2008, 5:29:00 PM

today. is e last day of attachment!!!


im so excited. major project is commencing next week, and then im gg back to office, but w a higher pay. haha! yayness.

so many thinggs to do. im gonna miss e ppl man... esp e part timers. oh well.. but then again, im gg back to work next week. so i'll see most of them again!

woohoO!!! im gonna go swimming tmr. n get my tan. wahaha.

Thursday, July 17, 2008, 1:37:00 AM

on e 14th of july:
we reached boon lay mrt at e break of dawn. yes. health screening.
on the 11th of july:
we crossed this after a mass workout w a certain organisation. well.. it was a good stretch.

and this!! all e way from europe. w chewing gum within e lollipop. woo~~~

sushi making session at ngee ann tower. seriously, all e ladies were very well dressed. well groomed even. someday...

and today, we had lunch at ayam penyet house opp shaw tower. e chilli is one of e spiciest.

and then we had this for dinner before cgm. hm.. not bad...

my ayam penyet. complete w lime juice. @ bedok food centre opp bedok camp. well, i do think this tastes better. but. e chilli from e previous one tastes way better... spicy. woolala!

well, im hungry. really hungry. tmr is salad day!!!

im gonna make... salad! well. i'll to get up at 6 to get e ingredients from e market.

oooo! so looking forward to it. hey, what if i cant wake up in time??

1:23:00 AM

secret recipe!!! personally, i like e marble cheese e most.

dang!! apple cheese slice anyone??

arts fest 2008.

ooh!!! haagen daz.

ooohhh!!!! up close. best thing to have after a hot day under e sun.

yup! we were slacking. but hey! u dont see many of these around anymore...

1:04:00 AM

balloons. wow. variety.

banana brownie crepe. heavenly...

this is a prawn cracker. from daiso. it's nostalgic, cause e taste reminds me of e big orange cracker we always had when we were young. they dont sell it anymore, do they?

my buns.

this is e best dessert ever made by my mum. e creamy part, is a bit like custard. so soft and wobbly it just breaks apart in your mouth. and e best part of this is e jelly-like caramel layer on top. sweet!

i agree it looks kinda eeky, but papaya does go well w strawberry yoghurt. mild sweetness of e papaya n e sour taste of e yoghurt. wah...
somebody made this for me. barely 2 days it set foot into my home, e container's almost empty. save for 1 sugar-coated cookie. yes, it's nice!!

12:39:00 AM

okay. first of all, this pic is long overdue. taken during e first few weeks of attachment. asked to run some errands for e company. in KILLER HEELS!!! it's a good thing we have strong legs.

this is where we always head to after work. yes. errands. cutest postbox ever. now they have it painted all white. eew.
this is what we do during lunch. trying out new food! oreo flavoured yoghurt. hm... not bad.

this is e famous soy bean tart opp peace centre. see how tender e inside of e tart is? i tell u, e crust is sweet n crunchy!!!

and then we headed to rochor beancurd nearby. e butterfly fritters... simply irresistable. not too oily, but it's still crisp!!!

dessert. hokkaido ice cream.

dinner @ waraku.

green apple sth?? it's e green apple version of choya.

hot stuff!!!

dinner at sakae.

yum yum yum!!!

Wednesday, July 16, 2008, 4:28:00 PM


i guess i wont have that much of a variety when it comes to food when school starts.

after all, there are so many interesting food stalls here. and almost all are worth salivating over.

but i'll definitely miss e ppl. kinda tough at first, but e environment is so different from that of a school that i'll most prob need to adjust again.

and then there's no more combined cell meeting with s23 anymore.
definitely had a great time, esp e fellowship.
so many times when we laughed till our tummies hurt!!! haha...

it's time to renew the vision.
by e end of 2008, e33 must and will have growth.
embrace e vision, everything that has been placed into my life in this season.

let's lift e cg into prayers.
a cg w/o personal growth & revival, without prayers will stay stagnant.
we cant afford for that to happen again eh.
cant afford to shortchange God, to shortchange those who need e Lord.

it's time...